Sustainabilityand Space.

Space 4.0 is an emerging industry - if we encourage responsible business from the start, we won't have to go back and fix it later.

Put people and planet first.

The world has some pretty big problems, ranging from climate, water and food crises, to poverty, conflict and inequality. These global challenges can be solved through collective action – when government, business and people act together to achieve a common purpose. That common purpose is to create a better future for all, the plan to achieve this is called ‘Agenda 2030‘. In the rush to transform business models and systems for the future, integrity and values will have a huge role to play.

In 2015, all 193 Member States of the United Nations adopted a plan (Agenda 2030) for achieving a better future for all — laying out a path over the next 15 years to end extreme poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and protect our planet. At the heart of Agenda 2030 are the ‘17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)‘ which clearly define the world we want — applying to all nations and leaving no one behind.

No matter how large or small, all companies can contribute to the SDGs.

No matter how large or small, and regardless of their industry, all companies can contribute to the SDGs. While the scale and scope of the global goals is unprecedented, the fundamental ways that business can contribute remain unchanged. The ‘UN Global Compact’ asks companies to first do business responsibly and then pursue opportunities to solve societal challenges through business innovation and collaboration.

Space 4.0 is an emerging industry - if we encourage responsible business from the start, we won't have to go back and fix it later.

— Helen Rankin, Astrosociologist & Executive Director

Beliefs drive behaviour.

A business that puts people and planet first has the power to change the world and contribute to a sustainable future. It begins with identifying your company values and enabling your workforce to convert those values into action throughout all business operations. ‘The Ten Principles‘ can help you get started.

Get started with The Ten Principles

Human Rights.

Principle 1: Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.

Human Rights.

Principle 2: Make sure that the business is not complicit in human rights abuses.

Work (Labour).

Principle 3: Uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining.

Work (Labour).

Principle 4: Eliminate of all forms of forced and compulsory labour.

Work (Labour).

Principle 5: Abolish child labour.

Work (Labour).

Principle 6: Eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


Principle 7: Support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.


Principle 8: Undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.


Principle 9: Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

Scotland is a world leader in sustainable space technology.


We’re on track to cut 50% of space industry emissions by 2030.


Scottish space industry goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2045.

Up to 90% less carbon

is produced by green rocket fuels used by Scottish companies.

The world's first carbon-neutral space port

is in progress at Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands.

50% drop in space sector emissions

will be achieved by 2030 — with a goal to reach net zero by 2045.