InternationalSpace CityBiz Park.

International Space City is the first virtual commercial zone dedicated to advancing the space knowledge economy. We also have a physical hub at Inverness Campus, the gateway to the Scottish Highlands.

Virtual global space hub.

The rapid increase in space agencies and investors has disrupted the space industry, creating new opportunities for smaller businesses and decentralised expansion of the emerging space industry – one city or country no longer dominates the space sector. International Space City provides a virtual commercial city dedicated to advancing the business of space while maintaining the benefits of decentralised innovation.

There is no geographical centre for the new commercial space industry.

In the space knowledge economy, the need to connect people and their ideas is as critical as shipping raw materials to mills and factories in the 1800s. Future businesses will compete for access to a healthy intellectual supply chain as they once did for coal, iron and other tangible commodities. The risk is an industry advancing faster than regulation and legislation can meet (as experienced during the digital revolution). But with risk also comes great opportunity, to create an equal, fair and accessible emerging space industry from the start.

HIE office, Highland and Islands Enterprise at UHI Campus. Picture: Gary Anthony.

The home of 'coinnovation' and interesting collabs.

In 2020 we found a physical home at Inverness Campus, the gateway to the Scottish Highlands. Nearby are three of the five Scottish space ports and Inverness and Cromarty Firth Green Freeport. Inverness Campus aims to encourage and support research, development and innovation in technology and life sciences.

Move your business to Inverness Campus

Land for Development

A range of plots are currently available for sale. They're ideally suited to small and medium sized enterprises. Businesses based here will benefit from the strong collaborative ethos of the Campus and from the opportunities for research and development.

Laboratory Space

Designed to stimulate collaboration, there are various sizes of laboratories, office space (cellular and open) and event spaces available within the beautiful landscaped campus grounds.

Investin Great.

There’s never been a better time to register your business in Scotland. Take advantage of the UK’s low corporation tax, leadership in innovation and talent from the world’s top universities.

Setup your space business in Scotland

Scotland is a world leader in sustainable space technology.


We’re on track to cut 50% of space industry emissions by 2030.


Scottish space industry goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2045.

Up to 90% less carbon

is produced by green rocket fuels used by Scottish companies.

The world's first carbon-neutral space port

is in progress at Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands.

50% drop in space sector emissions

will be achieved by 2030 — with a goal to reach net zero by 2045.